International trade law has a huge remit and finding the right legal support for your business is a key element of commercial success. Whether you are looking to increase trade opportunities abroad, or overcome trade barriers in importing or exporting goods, having a solid international trade agreement in place is vital for maximum business efficiency. Regulating international trade, and eliminating or reducing trade restrictions such as quotas or tariffs, are just two examples of what a comprehensive, international trade agreement can achieve for your business.

Oratto - for the right legal match

Oratto is a web-based platform which has been specifically developed to link consumers with the right lawyer for their needs. The focus is on facilitating a smooth and easy process for seeking the necessary legal advice from the right lawyer. In business solutions especially, it's important to get specific, accurate legal advice in the very early stages to ensure that a comprehensive assessment of your business needs is carried out. International trade is a complex area and high quality legal assistance is essential.

All of the solicitors featured on this page are experts in the preparation and drafting of international trade agreements and whatever your requirements are, they will be happy to advise you from the start. The use of Oratto's Match facility is available if you're looking for extra help in making the right choice for you. This function allows you to put in your details and requirements so that we can help match you with the most suitable Oratto member lawyer.

International trade agreement construction

Your chosen solicitor will draw up a comprehensive agreement which will address a number of issues. There are a number of reasons why an international trade agreement might be used, including:

  • to attract investment to the UK
  • to strengthen international trading links
  • to present new opportunities for UK exporters
  • to create new, or more, opportunities to invest and trade overseas for your business

It's possible to combine some, or all, of these depending on what you want your business to achieve.

Your chosen lawyer will use either a bilateral or multilateral agreement, depending on which is appropriate, and the agreement can be used to overcome trade barriers; such as unfair increases in import levy or duty, or the practices or rules of other nations which affect your international business transactions. In addition, tariffs can be challenged along with any non-tariff trade barriers which promote local trade over international. Whether you need your agreement to deal with rules regarding labelling, unfair government subsidies or regulations regarding trade, your chosen solicitor will be able to incorporate these into your agreement. This can be done in single or multiple categories relating to all exports and imports.

Oratto member lawyers are highly skilled and experienced in creating international trade agreements. Taking a comprehensive and accurate assessment of your business needs will help your chosen solicitor to begin constructing your agreement, taking into account your individual requirements. Contact Oratto today to connect with an expert lawyer and begin the process of addressing your international trade agreement needs.