Declaring formal insolvency is always a last resort, in addition to which it's rare for it to actually achieve the best outcome for businesses and their creditors. Taking early legal advice from lawyers for restructuring can protect a distressed or underperforming business enterprise for the benefit of everyone involved.

Ensuring compliance with all corporate regulations and laws is vital for the company, and directors, to be able to move forward on a solid legal and financial basis.

There are many reasons for corporate restructuring; including bankruptcy, unexpected forced repayment of debt, a punishing repayment schedule or other problems with corporate financial liquidity. At the point at which restructuring becomes necessary, changing the company ownership by means of a demerger, management buyout or merger may be the way to proceed.

Other company reorganisation tactics for managing financial loss and creditors' demands include selling off part of the company, re-financing debt, and increasing equity by selling off shares. All of these require expert corporate legal advice.

Oratto and lawyers for restructuring

Oratto is an online platform designed as a straightforward means for linking high end lawyers with those who need legal services. Corporate restructuring is a complex and important process and having expert advice early on is crucial in achieving the best outcome for your business. All of the lawyers featured on this page are highly experienced in providing guidance and assistance across all elements of corporate restructuring. You can select a solicitor from the list to connect with online, or send your details to Oratto and we will use the Match facility to identify the best lawyer for your specific circumstances.

Firm agreements need to be in place to comply with the Companies Act and other skills that a corporate lawyer can offer include:

  • contingency planning
  • insolvency filing details
  • distressed sales/acquisitions
  • formal insolvency proceedings
  • debt restructuring
  • refinancing
  • distressed debt trading
  • dealing with all types of creditors
  • advice on restructurings taking place out of court

Re-structuring and corporate lawyers

Using specialised lawyers for restructuring is essential. Having more experience and confidence when it's necessary to deal with banks, or any other corporate finance source such as private equity houses, can bring immeasurable benefit. Being a step removed from the company also means your lawyer can use stronger negotiation tactics to gain better terms, or simply be more aware of any disadvantages that crop up, whether as a result of a proposal or not. If a situation arises where a company's liquidity is threatened, such as a bank demanding that a debt is paid immediately and the company is in no position to do so, the skills of your Oratto member corporate law solicitor will be invaluable in achieving a positive outcome for your business.

For skilled legal advice and guidance on all types of corporate restructuring from a highly qualified corporate lawyer, contact Oratto today.