Shortlisted lawyers


15 August 2017

There are many reasons why couples decide to draft pre or postnuptial agreements: to protect family property and inherited wealth, to address any major change in financial circumstances, or to set out parameters for potential settlement figures if one party's wealth far outweighs that of the other at the outset.

Fear of infidelity may not usually be spoken about openly as a motivation for couples drafting prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, but it is undoubtedly a factor for many who fear the pain, shame and betrayal of having their spouse embark on an extra-marital affair only to be then left with an overriding sense of hurt and a lingering, ineradicable sense of injustice.

21 July 2017

A new-look divorce petition was unveiled this week, which will take effect from 7th August and be the only version used as of 4th September. The electronic version will not be available on Gov.Uk until 7th August and, therefore, any attempts to submit a petition using the new version before that date will be rejected by the Courts.

The revised petition is obviously designed to ensure a smooth transition to the online divorce process, but it will also provide litigants with a much clearer and plainly worded document. 

14 July 2017

It is troubling that it's possible that ministers may be giving some consideration to resurrect plans to increase probate fees by up to £20,000; despite these being quietly shelved due to the early General Election in May. 

This comes despite the fact that there has been very little in the way of appetite either from lawyers or the general public with regards to the move. Many believe the move flies in the face of British aspirational values while also hitting the pockets of hardworking families and threatening both the financial and emotional legacies of older generations.

12 July 2017

Summer holidays. We all look forward to them.

For children they represent a not insignificant portion of their entire lifespan thus far, they have an air of boundlessness, of time spent timelessly, free from the confines of the classroom, a time for new experiences, for wonder.

07 July 2017

Family holidays… it’s a time to look forward to sun, sea and sand. Probably the last thing on your mind when planning a holiday is whether your ex partner agrees to you taking the children abroad. But, if they don’t, you could get more than you bargained for at the airport when attempting to get through passport control.

When taking children on holiday abroad, all parties who have Parental Responsibility for the child need to consent to the child being taken out of the country. This is the case unless you have a Residence Order (now called a Child Arrangements Order) that the child lives with you. In those circumstances, you can take the child abroad for up to 4 weeks without the consent of the other parent.

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